Post-Op Care 101: Dos and Don’ts after Tooth Extraction

Post-Op Care 101: Dos and Don’ts after Tooth Extraction

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Tooth extractions are a normal part of dental health care. It’s something that dentists and oral surgeons do so many times in one year. There are numerous ways for tooth extractions to be needed—tooth decay, trauma, or overcrowding—and you have to make sure that you’ll be ready to do aftercare after it happens.

After tooth extraction, you have to settle the blood clot formed in the tooth socket. If you want everything to work right, you should ensure that you know what you have to do and what you have to avoid. Here are some essential dos and don’ts that will help you. 

1. Do Get Plenty of Rest

Expect that after you have had a tooth extraction, you’re going to feel the physical pain of it hitting you. You must take better care of your body.

Get plenty of rest. See to it that you’re not moving around too much. You should be careful about how you sleep. To ensure that you’re in a comfortable sleeping position, you need to lie on your back with a pillow under your head. You shouldn’t make any sudden movements that can mess up your healing process.

2. Don’t Smoke

Smoking is bad for you, and you’re not supposed to smoke after you’ve had a tooth extraction. If you want to speed up the recovery process, you have to quit smoking, and you shouldn’t start it again after you’ve had a tooth extraction procedure.

When you smoke, you’re putting yourself at risk of severe side effects after you’ve had a tooth extraction. 

3. Do Eat Soft Foods

After you’ve had a tooth extraction, it’s a good idea that you consume soft foods. You shouldn’t be putting any kind of pressure on the tooth socket. Don’t chew anything hard. Instead, go for soft and easy-to-chew foods like gelatin or soups. When it comes to soups, though, make sure it isn’t too warm as this can mess up the healing process.

Try smoothies right after the extraction. After two to three days, you can try soups. Make sure that you don’t chew tough foods since they can put pressure on the tooth socket, and it’s possible to spread the infection.

4. Don’t Use Straws

After the tooth extraction, you’re more likely to get a dry socket. This happens when the blood clot loses and is later replaced by bacteria. When you’re putting a straw in your mouth and sucking it up, you’re putting pressure on the socket that’s still healing. It’s not going to help you heal.

5. Do Take Prescribed Medications

If you have a prescription for pain and inflammation, you should take it. Tooth extractions are painful, and you should take the pain relievers prescribed to you. It’ll help you get through the recovery and also let you heal from your tooth extraction quickly.

Final Thoughts

When you’ve had a tooth extraction, you have to take care of your recovery process. If you’re unsure how to do things after the tooth extraction, you should ask your dentist. Don’t be hesitant. It’s better to be sure than sorry.

Do you need a tooth extraction today? Give us a call at Liberia Dental Care. We will connect you with our best emergency dentist in Manassas, VA for immediate dental services.

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